Resources and Guides
We are currently preparing Laugh Therapy guides providing more information about how our focused Laughter Therapy programme can benefit your specific condition.
For less than the cost of a takeaway coffee, you can have a resource pack full of practical, easy to follow advice, activities, information, inspiration, games, laughter yoga inspired exercises and guidance that you can revisit time and time again.
It's better for your health than the coffee, you'll feel just as alert and you'll have a much better nights sleep.
Click the link and pre-order yours today.
Can You Help Us?
We're committed to providing as many projects, events, workshops, Laugh Clubs and resources for as many groups and as many places as possible, be it hospitals, schools, care homes, support groups, etc.
Putting smiles on faces and sharing the therapeutic benefits of laughter with people who are facing challenges is of personal importance to us.
We want to provide our services to hospital patients, care homes, support groups and charitable projects at vastly reduced rates. We would also like to broaden our reach and offer more projects in more places to more people. Funding and subsidising projects always comes at a cost.
This is where (we hope) you can help us.
Do you know anyone who would benefit from a project like this?
If you are the kind of person who likes to 'pay it forward', and see this as a positive enterprise, we have set up a funding page where you can donate a small amount to help us help others.
Click the 'I want to help' link and you'll be taken to a secure page where you can make a donation.
*Your contact details will not be shared.